Cosmic Fox & Light Codes

22,22 € inc. tax

The Cosmic Fox & Light Codes
Light Codes to help reset, renew and re-adjust your cellar system! Bringing fourth the playful & curious energy of the fox!
(2990 x 5000px)

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What are light language & codes?
Light language and codes is a form of channelling, that brings fourth written, spoken and signed language and codes that upgrades, activates and heals on a physical, mental and energetic level within the body and energy field.

Light language is an inter dimensional expression that is quantum in nature. It carries consciousness within the light encodement that works on a deep molecular level that assists in releasing trauma, upgrading DNA and activating divine cellar memories, among other things.

Light language & codes are not be be understood by the logical mind, but rather it is decided by the soul, and every persons soul can understand it on a quantum level.

When light codes are displayed in your home / environment, they constantly emit a positive and healing frequency which helps balance both you, your environment and everyone in it.

To work directly with the light codes, follow these instructions :
- Make sure you are sitting down & relaxed.
- Take 3 deep, long and grounding breaths.
- Glance over the codes and see where you eyes take you
- Stare at the middle of the codes ( or a point you feel drawn to) in a meditative state for as long as you feel necessary.
- Don’t worry if your eyes loose focus, the codes will still go exactly where they need to go.

If you have any questions about light language & codes, please don’t hesitate to ask!

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